Located in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, the Jefferson Parish Democratic Executive Committee affiliates with and advances the interests of the Democratic Party. We stand for open, inclusive, constitutional government in Jefferson Parish. We unflinchingly advocate for human and civil rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all, quality health care and quality schools for all, environmental protection and preservation of quality-of-life services. We support elected officials and political candidates who uphold these core values of the Democratic Party.  

Early Voting DOES Begin Saturday, June 20

In response to some confusion:

The presidential and municipal primary election now scheduled for Saturday July 11 DOES offer early voting from June 20-July 4 except for Sundays (Yenni Bldg on East Bank, Charles Odom Bldg on West Bank, and in Kenner at 408 Minor St.). There are some voter online sites that still have outdated information. The municipal general election is now Saturday Aug. 15, with early voting July 25-Aug. 8. Please know that you can't vote early on Sundays. The presidential election remains Tuesday, Nov. 3.

Bad Bills Still Out There

JPDEC meeting at 7 pm Tuesday, May 19, via zoom.