Located in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, the Jefferson Parish Democratic Executive Committee affiliates with and advances the interests of the Democratic Party. We stand for open, inclusive, constitutional government in Jefferson Parish. We unflinchingly advocate for human and civil rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all, quality health care and quality schools for all, environmental protection and preservation of quality-of-life services. We support elected officials and political candidates who uphold these core values of the Democratic Party.  

Bad Bills Still Out There

The bill that would have taken away parishes’ ability to file lawsuits against oil companies for coastal destruction has died, at least for this year, but bad bills are still out there: House Bill 334 would make it easier for people to take guns into places of worship by doing away with requirements that church members be notified and that anyone carrying guns have additional firearms training. Ministers of all faiths have lined up against this bill. And House Bill 140 would prevent local and parish authorities from passing ordinances to restrict guns in places where children and families gather, such as recreation centers.

Coming June 11: An Update on What's Happening in Baton Rouge

Early Voting DOES Begin Saturday, June 20